Something in the air: Four things we love about Spring
Something in the air: Four things we love about Spring
Te tiro atu to kanohi ki tairawhiti ana tera whiti te ra kite ataata ka hinga ki muri kia koe:
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."

Springtime. When nature awakens from its winter hibernation and life begins again. Here at W&D, we feel an awakening when spring arrives. Invigorated by the aroma of new blossoms, the sight of fresh growth, and the promise of warmer weather, we take every chance to get outside. It’s a time to rejuvenate and embrace fresh beginnings, new ideas and dreams. Here are a few of our favourite ways to reset this Spring.
1. Getting together, al fresco
With the warmer weather, now is the chance to get outside with family and friends. What’s your outside? Dinner on the deck, a picnic in the park, a lake or river ramble, a bike ride or a forest stroll? We love to gather our nearest and dearest to get active outdoors or share simple a al fresco meal in the spring sun.

2. Embracing the space
Spring sends us a cue to seek out the pause: those "in-between" moments that we increasingly fill with tasks, all because we seem to place a moral value on being busy. Getting things done. The thing is… we reckon it's not about getting things done; it's about doing what matters. Taking a breather from meetings, appointments and chores and just being in the moment. When we make space, whether that’s committing to a ‘no plans’ day or a meditative 30 minutes ‘me time’, we allow a letting go, a clearing, a slower pace and distance from distraction.
3. Adding a pop of colour
There's a reason fresh spring flowers in a statement vase make us smile: Colour is powerful. Spark joy in your decor with the addition of colour pops and accents via lush new houseplants (check out our friend Liz Carlson’s lovely plant shop, Node), a piece of art (we’re loving Julia Atkinson-Dunn of Studio Home’s still life florals).
4. Rejuvenation
There’s something so liberating about having a clearance. Do away with anything that does not serve you, in life and in your home.
The clearing of clutter, both physically and emotionally, opens up channels for renewed energy. By creating thoughtful living spaces that allow a slower pace and plenty of scope to connect with nature and one another, we refresh and restore ourselves. And tune in to the things that really matter. Get some spring in your step this season!